What is an ssl certificate and how do I install it ?

What is an ssl certificate and how do I install it ?

The SSL certificate is one of the important things for search engines and SEO on the website, as Google does not archive any site that is not secure or contains a protection certificate .

In this article we will define the security certificate for the website (SSL Certificate), how to install and purchase it, and also whether it is possible to get it for free.

What is an SSL certificate ?

In short, SSL certificates are the ones that show your site in the browser with the HTTPS extension instead of HTTP, and this extension indicates that your site is more secure as it creates an encrypted connection between the server and the client.
If the doctor WordPress site has an SSL certificate, it will appear to the user like this: HTTPS://www.dr-wp.com
As for the case when he does not have an SSL certificate, it will appear to the user like this: HTTP://www.dr-wp.com

Is the difference an S ?

This character is what is shown to the user, but in fact it means to the user that your connection to this site is secure and encrypted

Any data you enter is safely shared with this site, but what happens in the background is much bigger, as SSLs are small data files, they create an encrypted link between the web server and the browser.

When you visit a website (if this website has an SSL certificate), or something your browser does is establish a connection with the web server, and then the connection between the browser and the server occurs. This link, because the site has a security certificate, is considered a secure link and therefore the information between you and the site is safe and not subject to theft.

What do sites benefit from when using SSL ?

The SSL protocol securely transfers sensitive information such as credit card numbers and login credentials.

Usually, the data transmitted between browsers and web servers is transmitted in plain text, this means that this information can be viewed and used in the absence of the SSL protocol.

As for the presence of the SSL protocol, this data is encrypted, and this means increasing the security of users ‘data, increasing users’ confidence in your site , and the connection process takes place in a manner similar to the following figure

What are the types of SSL certificates ?

There are five types of security certificates that can be obtained, in this article we will explain all:

1-EV certificates

This certificate shows the lock, HTTPS, business name and country of business in the address bar to reduce confusion with an unwanted website.

For example, if your website handles payment and purchase matters or collects data, you may want to get this certificate.

What is an ssl certificate and how do I install it ?

This certificate is considered one of the highest rated security certificates, and is often used by sites that need identity confirmation

Such as (sites that need data, logins, or matters related to payment and online purchases).

2. OV certificate

Designed for business, non-profit organizations, educational institutions.

If you have an informational website (not an e-commerce one), an SSL certificate for enterprise validation (OV) is all you need.

These SSL certificates enhance your credibility by verifying the authenticity of your business. It displays a lock on the visitors ‘ address bar, informing them that it is safe to send passwords, contact information or donations.

These SSL certificates provide an average level of encryption.

This certificate encrypts important and sensitive information for users during transactions،

This certificate is often used by commercial sites and sites that want to keep customer information confidential.

3-DV certificate

This certificate validates the domain but with minimal encryption capabilities and appears as a green padlock next to the URL address .

Domain name verification certificate, a simple certificate that only needs to verify the ownership of the website domain name.

They are quickly issued within 10 minutes and can be encrypted for transmission, but they cannot prove the true identity of the website to users.

They are usually used by advertising-competent websites or blogs.

The process of obtaining a certificate only requires proof of domain ownership by responding to an email or phone call.

After clicking on the lock in a web browser on a website with a DV certificate, you will only see that the site contains SSL / SALTLS

4-Wildcard SSL certificates

Wildcard SSLs guarantees that if you buy a certificate for one domain, you can use the same certificate for subdomains.

Serious savings on unlimited subdomains.
An individual Wildcard SSL certificate encrypts data sent to a single website (dr-wp.com) and all related subdomains, for example (shop.dr-wp.com and blog.dr-wp.com and m.dr-wp.com).

Thus, when you get a Wildcard SSL certificate, you will get a security certificate for the primary domain and its subdomains as well.

5 – SSL certificate for unified communications (UCC)

UCC ssl certificate

Unified communications certificates (UCC) are also known as Multi-Domain SSL certificates, meaning

that you can use multiple domain names on the same certificate.

The unified communications certificate (UCC) is an SSL certificate that protects several domains and subdomains.

It is ideal for Microsoft® Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016 and Microsoft Live® Communications Server.

While the location stamp information and the certificate “exported to” will display only the name of the primary domain, but all domains and subdomains will be listed in the same certificate. If you don’t want your sites to appear connected to each other, you shouldn’t use this type of certificate.

Read also : video installation method of SSL protection certificate

How to get an SSL certificate for free ?

SSL certificates can be obtained free of charge from Let’s Encrypt, a company that has certified more than 225 million websites. Facebook Shopify has also received the support of large companies such as (Google, Facebook, Shopify and WordPress.com and others).

The difficulty here is, you have to be a bit experienced with encryption and server systems in order to be able to install the certificate on your site.

Here many hosting companies offer you a free SSL certificate with all their hosting plans, this way you can install the certificate easily and without the need for much experience.

Hosting companies that offer a free SSL certificate :

And other companies that often explain this to the user, on the hosting purchase page.

If you are already using one of these companies, you can run your own free SSL certificate from

the hosting control panel .

Just log in to the cPanel control panel, go to the “secuity” section, and through it you can install an SSL certificate on your own site.

In case you are not using one of these hosting services, you can follow the video installation method of ssl video certificate.

bluehost ssl certificate

After installing the SSL certificate, you will have to set up WordPress in order to start using

HTTPS instead of HTTP, and you can install the certificate on your site with ease by installing and

activating the (Really Simple SSL) extension.

Upon activation, the extension will check to see if your SSL certificate is enabled.

After that, the HTTP to HTTPS forwarding will be turned on and the website settings will be

changed to start using SSL / HTTPs.

It should be noted, however, that these companies provide an SSL certificate for one site, but if

you have more than one site, you will need more than one certificate from the hosting provider.

Frequently asked questions

How to find out if the site has SSL ?

By using a tool to check the presence or absence of SSL certificates, which is a free tool.

What is the use of SSL certificates for SEO ?

According to Google Webmaster trend analysts, the security certificate layer is part of Google’s

search ranking algorithm, and sites that have the certificate are more likely than sites that do

not have an SSL certificate.

Where can I get SSL certificates ?

The most important part of an SSL certificate is its source.

SSL certificates are issued by certifying authorities, which are trusted institutions to

verify the identity and legitimacy of any entity requesting a certificate.

Who needs an SSL certificate ?

Almost all sites need protection certificates, especially sites where it is required to enter passwords, log in or authenticate accounts .

If the site does not have a protection certificate, you will be alerted by the browser to this matter,

that is, users will not interact and enter their information to you.

What WordPress plugins help to install SSL ?

There are many add-ons that enable you to install security certificates, including :

  1. CM HTTPS Pro 
  2. Really Simple SSL
  3. WP Force SSL
  4. Easy HTTPS Redirection
  5. SSL Insecure Content Fixer

If your site does not have a protection certificate, hurry up to install it and if you want help, see

our guide on how to install plugins step by step



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