Transferring a domain between two accounts in Godaddy or between Godaddy and Namecheap in detail

: نقل دومين بين حسابين في جودادي او بين جودادي ونيم شيب بالتفصيل

In this episode, we will learn about the best way to transfer the domain between two accounts in Godaddy, or transfer it outside it to another company, such as Name Ship, at the same renewal price, without additional costs.

The reason for the transfer is either to collect the domains in one account or at the request from customer. Most importantly , the price in the Namecheap is cheaper than Godaddy when booking, renewing, and technical support is faster . 

It is noteworthy that this episode teaches you to transfer to any company using the same steps mentioned in it.

1- Unlock the domain

2- Obtain the verification code and enter it on the receiving site

3- Approval of the transfer at the location from which it was transferred

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