What’s new in WordPress 5.7

ما الجديد في ووردبريس 5.7

WordPress version 5.7 , or the so-called “ Esperanza ” version attributed to a piece of music , features new colors and a new editor .

The new editor helps you to work on your own without hiring a developer and does not need more code with great controls that can be used wherever you want.

Features of the new editor :

  • Use drag and drop
  • Modify font size in code and menu component
  • Resize social icons
  • Add buttons and control their style

The most important additional WordPress 5.7 features :

  • Convert from HTTP to HTTPS automatically and effortlessly
  • Support for automatic lazy-loading of iframes, thus speeding up website loading
  • Improvement of import and export in this version
  • Sending the reset password from within the personal profile or to everyone
  • Changes in the control panel upon registration or login




And many more features that you can view through this link .




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