What is cache and how does it speed up the site


What is cache ?

Caching is a plugin that helps you speed up your site and boost performance. Since the speed of your site has a great impact on its success, that is why it is important that you keep improving this speed .

The best way to improve speed is to choose a solid hosting service that offers fast loading. In addition, you will need to make sure to improve speed through the following operations :

  • Register on a content delivery network or CDN :

A group of synchronous servers distributed on the Internet in different geographic locations, allowing you and your site to provide an approximation of the contents. This depends on the geographical area from which users visit you. One of the most famous of these networks is CloudFlare, of course this is not only what CDNs offer But also it offers you many other reliable and approved features.

  • The second process is to use add caching :

One of the advantages of caching is compressing and minimizing files such as JavaScript and CSS files (which is one of the site development and programming files that the site developer creates) .

We will mention the rest of the other services later .

We will provide some information about the best plug-ins to increase the speed that improve the performance of the site. Also, remember that slow page loading is a way for customers to get lost and flee from you. Then the visitor likes that the site presents its services quickly .

In addition, we will review the most important plugins used for caching. Thus, knowing the characteristics of each add-on with its advantages and disadvantages, clarifying the criteria for choosing the add-on and some other information .

What is the Cache ?

The cache, or what is known as “Cache”, is a set of cached data for quick access on demand. The process of temporary storage on Internet sites is to convert dynamic pages into static pages .

Also, the static pages are very fast and do not need complex operations, but the dynamic pages. They are pages linked to databases, and every time the user visits your site, data is retrieved from these databases. This makes your site load slower if many users visit it at the same time

Note : Cache plugins give your site an SEO advantage on Google. As the search engine gives the fastest websites, an advanced ranking on the search page .

In addition, a faster site is better for the user’s experience, motivating him to visit more pages. Then it makes the user spend more time on the site .

There are several criteria for this add-on “Cache”

  • Compatibility with shared hosting, virtual private and dedicated servers, and other types of hosting
  • The ability to speed up the site (the speed of loading pages) and thus improve the ranking of pages in the search engine results
  • SSL supports security certificates
  • CDN support like Cloudflare Page cache
  • Database Cache storage
  • Objects cache
  • Saving and storing the browser Browser Cache
  • Mobile support through Google AMP, which is responsible for speeding up your pages
  • Caching statistics for performance insights
  • Integration with WPML Translator
  • Minify Minify CSS files, JavaScript files, HTML files, and minify any third-party embedded files with the update
  • Minimize RSS feeds
  • Delay display of images using the Lazy Load method to improve the experience
  • Ensure the safety of the site
  • Integration with WooCommerce ECommerce
  • Ease of use, installation and setup of the extension by the novice user
  • Use less resources than hosting
  • Technical support for the extension and its availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Support for several languages

One of the best additions that speed up the site :

  1. WP Rocket
  2. W3 Total Cache
  3. WP Super Cache
  4. Cache Enabler
  5. perfmatters

Firstly : WP Rocket


WP Rocket is one of the best caching plugins out there. It is the first, easiest and most convenient caching plugin especially for beginners. It also provides you with a definition of the technical terms used for storage options .

The plugin also facilitates settings for caching, especially the recommended one. It does this automatically right after its installation, including gzip compression and page cache. It also supports CDNs, Lazy Load images, and other features .

Its most prominent characteristics :

  • Simple interface, quick setup and ease of handling, then supports e-commerce sites
  • Page Cache, Browsers Cache, Database Cache and clean it as well
  • Objects cache support, LazyLoad page loading
  • Compatible with CloudFlare, Multi Sites
  • Ease of installation and setup, in addition to the presence of Minify file minification tools
  • Google Fonts optimization to speed up the site
  • Good support, periodic and regular updates
  • There is no free version (of defects), offering a 14-day free trial
  • The add-on price of $39 gives you a money-back guarantee

Secondly : W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache is one of the most popular plugins, rated 4.4 out of 5 stars and used by more than 1 million active users around the world
It is a comprehensive add-on and contains many options, but care must be taken while dealing with it. It also offers all the features you’ll need to set up a cache, including page cache, object cache, gzip compression, minification support, CDN support, and more

Among its characteristics :

  • Free
  • Supports AMP, SSL, CDN, and supports many languages
  • Browser cache , Object cache , Database cache
  • Saves server resources, user data usage, and the ability to clear
  • cache on any page
  • Improvement of the SEO search engine to make the site’s ranking
  • advanced and distinguish it from the rest
  • Regular and periodic updates

Disadvantages :

  • Also, the migration process for any WordPress site from one hosting to another is bad
  • Thus, it is difficult for beginners because it contains many defects
  • There is a possibility that it may conflict with some other components

Thirdly : WP Super Cache plugin

WP Super Cache is also rated 4.3 and has been downloaded and used by more than 2 million active users. This is why it is a very popular caching plugin. It’s also free and recommended by many of the best hosting companies .

wp super cache plugin properties :

  • It includes a comprehensive settings section with a separate tab for easy setup
  • Supports GZip compression, CDN, and many languages as well
  • Compress pages automatically
  • Easy to use and setup
  • Supports notification of any event through e-mail
  • Regular updates
  • Organized scheduler for clearing temporary pages
  • Supports mobile or AMP caching

Among its disadvantages :

  1. It does not support Google Fonts optimization and there is no LazyLoad option
  2. There is no option to change or merge JavaScript and CSS files

Fourthly : Cache Enabler plugin

Enabler plugin

It has a global rating of 4.4 and is used by more than 100,000 active users, thus adding Cache Enabler is a free and open source caching plugin .
It is fast and reliable, allows you to integrate with some other components and take advantage of the image format. This is important for websites with lots of images, especially blogs and online stores, and they are easy to set up and install .

Cache Enabler plugin properties :

  • It has the feature to minify JavaScript, CSS and HTML files
  • Does not conflict with major WordPress plugins
  • Free and simple user interface
  • Ease of configuration in settings and ease of installation
  • Displays the actual cache size on the dashboard with automatic and manual cache clearing options
  • Supports a plugin called Autoptimize (which includes additional features such as injecting CSS into the header), and this results in the best settings
  • Provides help documentation and feature set cache expiration

disadvantages :

  • Known conflict with WP Security
  • Poor mobile site speed

Lastly : Perfmatters plugin


Perfmatters is one of the most powerful cache plugins , which appeared on the scene to compete strongly with the rest of the plugins . and One of its most important advantages is that you can use any other temporary storage extension at the same time , also without any conflict between the two plugins

It also features many additional capabilities

Among its main disadvantages :

It’s not free

properties of perfmatters plugin :

  1. Simple control panel and therefore easy to use
  2. Support for online stores and WooCommerce
  3. Supports improved image acceleration through Lazy Loading, image compression, and the use of WebP, which speeds up your site
  4. Database Cache support and database cleanup
  5. Also support minification of javascript, css and html files Support cache expiration time
  6. Its updates are regular and it supports font optimization
  7. In addition to that support security and protection and the ability to use the other
  8. add-on in parallel
  9. Integration with CDNs
  10. The price is reasonable with a money-back guarantee


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