Appendix or footer : how it is built and edited (part 1)

Appendix or footer : how it is built and edited (part 1)

The Appendix or footer is an area that has more information and links to the site than others and is useful to the user when customizing in WordPress .
The invoice is also located at the bottom of the screen and is the most personalized site in WordPress . There are a variety of ways to customize the footer area . In this article I will try to cover anything that you should be aware of.

What is an appendix or footer ?

Appendix or footer : it is the display of static content that appears at the bottom of your site regardless of the page or section where the visitor is located .
The design of the footer is determined by the theme that you install, therefore it is not universal in appearance by default. The footer is also part of the core WordPress files and is appropriately called footer.php .
This file allows you to customize each aspect of the footer area, but this is just one way to do it. Other methods include using a theme customizer, a page builder, or various plugins.

Simply put, when it comes to changing the billing area in WordPress, there are a lot of options .

What content should be entered in the footer area ?

Before you start editing the footer, you should be familiar with how this area is usually used . Why is this important Well over the years, the appendix area has become more or less unified and Universal .
In fact, you can check for a minute on some websites run by large institutions and companies and see if you have noticed the way the invoice is designed .

Here are some of the most important tips that may help you :

1 – Privacy & Contact Information

On most sites, we see multiple links that include pages such as privacy, terms and services, about us, Contact Us, and other similar content . And that’s because the footer is at the bottom of the page
Hence, when the user scrolls down to the bottom, he may have questions.
And also because the footer appears on every post or page, it is advisable to store this type of information through it .
Especially since you are legally obliged to have a privacy page in some areas . Failure to do so can lead to compliance and legal issues .

2 – Careers

And this is another item in the footer is the jobs page, where potential employees will find an application for a job .
This is perhaps the most normalized place for them to appear .
Each site has its own job link .
Thus, if we do not do this, it may lead to confusion of job seekers who are an essential element for visitors .
The lack of a constant influx of employees can harm a business, so such a visit is necessary .

3 – Email Subscription Sign Up

While sites usually place an email or newsletter subscription all over your site with it, you can find it in the footer area .
And most importantly, this link contains a way for customers to unsubscribe .
Yes, I know you don’t want to make it easy to unsubscribe from anything . But if users feel that they cannot leave the subscription, they are unlikely to join it in again .
Therefore, her presence in a specific situation is necessary and ideal .

4 – Social Media Links

What do you want users to do when they finish reading your content or find a deal they like
You want them to share it on social media ! So you can add these buttons to the footer area .
Thus they will appear at the bottom of the site . Then they become visible when the user scrolls down through the post on each piece of content you have .

5 -Popular Content

A lot of themes have new posts, popular posts, posts by categories, archives and other formats in the footer area .

In fact, you can place them in the sidebar or other widget areas .

Also the idea here is that when the user scrolls down that content is finished .

This means that they will leave your site by viewing the content at the bottom, they may decide to click on it instead of leaving .

This is one of the biggest reasons why WordPress themes have the ability to show “related posts” by default at the top of the footer section .

6 – Affiliate Programs

Many companies offer their own affiliate programs or a bonus program for customers .

The idea here is that you offer a reward to users for shopping on your platform, or to make them invite their friends to shop on it.

The footer is therefore the most common place to store this link because it will always appear to users .

How to edit the footer area :

There are many ways, so you should keep in mind that each method has its advantages and disadvantages .

It may come down to preference and availability, but in general, no matter which method you use, the process is very easy .

For simplicity, these methods are listed in order by degree of difficulty .

The first way : using the widget area

In WordPress, each theme comes with several widgets for the user interface, the most common include the sidebar area and the footer area .

Appendix or footer : how it is built and editet

Both are customizable and users can add any kind of UI elements to these areas .

Thus, using only the tools, it is possible to create a unique footer area in WordPress .

However, before you start, it is important to understand that not every subject will give you the same areas . There are many themes that do not have a widget area in the footer .

If your subject is one of them, then this method is not suitable for you .

Step 1: Enter the widget area

You need to access the widget area . To do this, click on Appearance and select the widgets option .

Step 2: Select the footer widget area

Now, every topic is different, so what you are looking for can change. In most cases, the widget area is simply called the footer .
However it gets more complicated in the case of the Astra theme, you can see that I have two areas in the footer called Footer Bar section 1 & 2 .
This gives a lot more customization than the normal footer space, but it’s also a bit more complicated .

Appendix or footer

Step 3 : customize the widget area

To edit the footer area of a WordPress widget, simply place a widget in that area .
In fact, the new block-based widget area is not limited to widgets since you can insert any block into it.
This makes it quite similar to editing a page or post . And yet, there is something completely different .
Space or volume options .
Let’s say you want to add a similar posts section in your footer, you want to include thumbnails of those posts .
If you do not resize it correctly, it may turn out badly . Unfortunately, the size again depends on the subject .
Therefore, you will need to refer to your appearance documentation to find the best results .
And to actually add widgets, click on the widget area and click the ” + ” button . You should see the familiar Gutenberg block list . From there, just select the block you want to use .

Appendix or footer

And we will explain the rest of the ways  about Appendix or footer in the next article, God willing



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Appendix or footer : how it is built and edited (part 2)