How do you transfer hosting in WordPress to another platform?

transfer hosting

In this article, we will examine how to transfer your WordPress hosting to a new hosting platform, specifically using Hostinger web hosting to move our WordPress site to another host.

To transfer hosting for your WordPress site, follow the simple steps mentioned below :

Backup the files and export the database. We will study this in detail in the article (Backup and Restore).

  • Step 2 :

Log in to your cPanel and click on MySQL Databases. See the following figure for reference.

transfer hosting

  • Step 3 :

Create a new MySQL database and user as shown in the following figure.

The page also contains the following fields


  • MySQL Database Name : Enter the name of your database .
  • MySQL Username : Then enter your username .
  • Password : Set the password for the database .
  • Password Confirmation : Re-enter the same previous password for authentication and confirmation .

After completing all the previous fields, click on the Create button .

  • Step 4 :

You can view the MySQL database, user and host as shown in the next screen .

  • Step 5 :

then Click on the + symbol .


  • Step 6 :

allso Click on phpMyAdmin.

  • Step 7 :

Click on the Import tab on the phpMyAdmin page .

  • Step 8 :

You can see the uploaded database tables, which appear as shown in the picture .


  • Step 9 :

You can see the uploaded database tables, which appear as shown in the picture .

9 transfer hosting

  • Step 10 :

Upload your files using FTP (FileZilla) .

  • Step 11 :

Edit the file // wp-config.php // as mentioned in the Restore WordPress files through backup and restore section .

  • Step 12 :

Inside the hostinger website section, click on the Auto install button .

  • Step 13 :

You can view the file uploaded from WordPress, by clicking on the URL link to go to that file and then browse it .but you have to Apply as in the picture to get what you want

13 transfer hosting

  • Step 14 and final :

You can also view the WordPress login page .and You only need Type your username, then your hosting password, and then access it in summary .

transfer hosting


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