Use SKT templates to add free themes

Use SKT templates to add free themes

Choosing the right theme is not an easy process as there are thousands of themes to choose from in the theme directory, but you may not like any of them .

At least, this is where the SKT Templates plugin can help you . It gives you access to hundreds of templates compatible with Elementor and Gutenberg page builder .

With them, you can get a greater customization of the types of pages you create and it only takes to add theme .

In this article, I will explain how to use SKT templates to add new page templates in WordPress .

Comparison between the theme and the template in WordPress

The main problem here is that the terms theme and template are used alternately . However, they are different .

A Theme is a collection of templates and styles that affect the appearance of the entire website .

While the template only affects the layout on one page or post .

We can add many custom templates to any theme to add more variety to the page design . Thus, it is possible to create a new theme by replacing all the templates it uses .

Custom templates are the main reason why the appearance is radically different between two websites .

How to add custom templates with SKT templates ?

First : install SKT templates

SKT templates provide users with hundreds of templates to the Elementor editor or the Gutenberg editor . These templates have a lot of customizations to offer . Each of them also offers a demo and can be installed in simple steps .

If you use the Gutenberg form, then it can be added through the SKT block in the editor . As for Elementor, you will need to use the Elementor editor . Also in both cases it is easy to master

While this will work for any theme, there is also an excellent option for more features . So we strongly recommend using one of the free SKT themes .

Important notice :

You will also need an additional plugin to take full advantage of this one, but this changes according to the templates you will choose .

If you choose to use Elementor templates, you will need the Elementor Website Builder plugin . If you choose to use the Gutenberg template, you will need the SKT Blocks plugin .

Let’s start by clicking on plugins and selecting the add new option in the right Administration panel .



Find SKT templates in the available search box. This will pull out additional plugins that you may find useful.



Scroll down until you find the SKT Templates plugin and click the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.



Also use this time to install the Elementor plugin or the SKT Blocks plugin.

Second : add the Gutenberg template

When this template is activated, the plugin will be ready to work and there are no settings to configure it .  Just select the models to use .

In the right Admin Panel, click on SKT templates and select the Gutenberg Templates option .


Gutenberg provides ten templates in fact, the majority of which are dedicated to Elementor, which you will see in the next section . Click on any of the available templates .


This will open a demo of what the model looks like . If you like its look, click the “install and Import” button . If not, select another template to click on .

Note :

If you do not have the SKT Blocks plugin installed, it will be installed automatically when you press the button shown in the figure .

Install SKT

The form will be added to the pages section .

Now, the plugin will make the page directly with all the default information . So we recommend switching it to a draft right away as this could be a problem .

Note :

the page will be named with the same title as the template by default and you are free to customize it through the Gutenberg editor .


Third : add an Elementor template

Also the other half of this plugin is Elementor templates . This is the basic engine of the gadget .
There are over a hundred Elementor templates to choose from, much more than the Gutenberg section .
And yet, it works similarly to the Gutenberg section, not to mention the issue of editing .
On the other hand in the manager panel, you can click on SKT templates and select the item Templates option .

SKT elementor

Here is the full list of available templates . Look through them all and click on what suits you best to review the demo .
If you wish, click the “install and Import” button .

Note :

If you have not installed Elementor, the plugin will do it automatically .

When you do this, you will be taken to the Elementor editor . The plugin publishes it automatically with all the default information remaining in it . You might want to consider turning it into a draft .
Here you can customize the template to your liking and even add new Elementor widgets . Then start editing your own template .


Now you can be congratulated on learning to add templates in WordPress using SKT templates .


  • Does this plugin work for all themes?

Yes, all modern themes are compatible with SKT templates . However, there may be an accidental glitch in the way the theme is encoded that can interfere with the plugin, but this is very rare.
To completely avoid this, we recommend using the SKT theme . This plugin was created with these features in mind and has no compatibility issues between them .

  • What happens if you deactivate the plugin?

Quite simply, nothing .

This component acts as the hub for new templates . You can install and import them at any time with it . Once installed and imported, they are actually added to the entire page.

However, there are some caveats for Gutenberg templates, if you also choose to uninstall the SKT Blocks plugin, this is not a problem .

You have the option to convert these blocks to HTML, but this means that you will have to make edits using HTML from now on, which is problematic for beginners .

As for the Elementor templates, if you choose to uninstall the Elementor plugin, it will be converted into a classic block . You can choose to convert it to regular Gutenberg blocks and edit it as a regular page .

Thus, while it doesn’t matter if you uninstall SKT templates, uninstalling other plugins will affect how they are modified in the future .

  • Customize your look permanently

One of the most common mistakes beginners make is installing a theme and naming it, as it is no longer enough just to install a theme in 2021. You should also modify this theme and make it different to avoid it looking similar to other sites .
Building a website is a numbers game . Although there are thousands of themes to choose from, there are millions of websites that use them similarly .
Therefore, there is no way to allow each site to display a unique appearance without modifications to it .
The only solution is to customize your own appearance to be different from other similar sites .




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